Most Everyday orders ship in 2-3 business days or by requested ship date.  Holiday orders ship
according to requested ship date or when products are available.

To provide the most accurate and reasonable shipping charges, freight is calculated when your
order ships.  Be sure to peruse our current specials for any Free Freight specials.
Most orders ship via FedEx or UPS within 2 to 3 business days. Freight charges are calculated at
shipment.  Most orders are FOB Seattle.  Card Displays are FOB Wisconsin.

To some countries. Please email us at orders@bielyshoaf.com or call us at 877.957.0940.

Yes!  When you have our 72-pocket Card Display, we will exchange everyday cards at a rate of up to 10% on your reorders a few times per year.  Contact us for specifics.

You are welcome to use our images for your website or social media as long as you do not
alter them in any way AND you credit the artist and Biely Shoaf Co. (@bielyshoaf). Please
contact us for specific designs and/or lifestyle shots.

We’d love to hear from you! Give us a ring at 877.957.0940
Our hours are Monday – Friday from 8am to 5pm PST. If we miss you, we’ll get back to you

Visit our Getting Started page for more information.